Graduation Process

Achievement of graduation requirements:

  • Completion of all relevant course credits with an overall GPA of at least 2.0.
  • A minimum grade of B in all required English courses.
  • Completion of the Independent Project.

Apply for graduation.

Payment of graduation fees.

Attend the graduation ceremony 4400 baht.
No graduation ceremony 1800 baht.

Submit graduation materials:

  • Graduation Application Form.
  • Student card.
  • 6 one-inch photos in graduation uniform with school number on the back.
  • Multiple copies of passport with signature.
  • Receipt for graduation-related fees.

Waiting graduation certificate.

Achievement of graduation requirements:

  • Completion of all relevant course credits with an overall GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Present a paper at an international academic seminar (not a thesis).
  • Completion of the QE for graduation comprehensive examination.
  • Thesis check rate not higher than 20%.
  • Complete the graduation defense (four times, i.e., opening, first three chapters, data analysis, and final defense).
  • The thesis is signed by the supervisor and the dean of the college concerned, and uploaded to the university library, and the research id is obtained.
  • Obtain a score of C1 or above on the English OPT (Oxford Placement Test) or other equivalent English scores (e.g. IELTS 6.0 or above).

Apply for graduation:

Payment of graduation fees:

Participate in the graduation ceremony 4900 baht.
No graduation ceremony 2300 baht.

Submission of graduation documents:

  • Graduation application form.
  • 6 one-inch photos in graduation uniform with school number on the back.
  • Copy of passport, student card, receipt of graduation-related fees.
  • OPT (Oxford Placement Test) English test result.
  • Passing score of Siam University Graduation Comprehensive Examination QE.
  • Certificate of international academic seminar (shown in Figure 1).
  • Research id of thesis after uploading in the school library.
  • Signed form from the thesis defense supervisor and the relevant teacher dean.


Waiting graduation certificate.

Achievement of graduation requirements:

  • Completion of all relevant course credits with an overall GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Present a paper (not a thesis) at least once at an international symposium while enrolled.
  • Completion of the QE of the comprehensive examination for graduation.
  • Thesis check rate not higher than 20%.
  • Complete the graduation defense (four times in total, i.e.: opening, first three chapters, data analysis, and final defense).
  • The thesis is signed by the supervisor and the dean of the college concerned, and uploaded to the university library to obtain the research id.
  • The thesis must be published as the first author in the Thai national journal TCI1 (or other searchable international journals, such as SCI/SSCI/SCOPUS, etc.).
  • Obtain a score of C2 or above in the English OPT (Oxford Placement Test), or other equivalent. English score (e.g. IELTS 6.5 or above).

Apply for graduation.

Payment of graduation fees:

Attend the graduation ceremony 7100 baht.
Without graduation ceremony 3,000 baht.

Submission of graduation documents:

  • Graduation application form.
  • 6 one-inch photos in graduation uniform with school number on the back.
  • Copy of passport, student card, receipt of graduation-related fees.
  • English test result of OPT (Oxford Placement Test).
  • Passing score of Siam University Graduation Comprehensive Examination QE.
  • Certificate of international academic seminar (shown in Figure 1).
  • Proof of graduation thesis publication journal.
  • Research id of the thesis after uploading in the school library.
  • Signed form from the thesis defense supervisor and the relevant teacher dean


Waiting graduation certificate.

注: 被委托代领毕业证的同学,需带有委托同学签字和指纹的委托书(中英双语) 被委托同学收到委托书之后,需被委托同学签字并按指纹同时向学校提供纸质版和电子版以做备案 希望将毕业证寄回国内的同学,需提供附有被委托同学的签字和指纹的免责声明(中英双语)给学校以做备案 若未按上述流程向学校报备的,若发生意外,所有后果均自己承担。

暹罗大学全球创新中心 Siam Global Innovation Academy
Office of Siam Global Innovation Academy, Room 501, 5th floor of No.12 International Building, Siam University, 38 Petchkasem Road, Phasi Charoen, Bang Wa, Bangkok 10160, Thailand

Contact us

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+66 (0) 96 773 3515

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